Cervical Spondylosis: Its Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

Cervical spondylosis is a prevalent condition impacting a substantial portion of the global population. Research shows that approximately 30% of people over 50 experience this condition, with its prevalence rising with age. 

As individuals age, the cervical spine undergoes degenerative changes, making them more susceptible to cervical spondylosis. This condition not only affects a significant number of older adults but also underscores the necessity for early diagnosis and effective management strategies. 

Addressing this condition through proactive care and treatment is crucial for maintaining quality of life and preventing further complications. Recognising the widespread nature of this condition emphasises the importance of awareness and timely intervention for those at risk.

What is Cervical Spondylosis?

Cervical spondylosis, commonly known as cervical arthritis, is a condition that affects the cervical spine, which is the portion of the spine located in the neck. This degenerative disorder arises from age-related changes in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae. 

Over time, the intervertebral discs lose hydration and elasticity, reducing disc height and forming bone spurs. These changes can compress nerves and affect the spinal cord, leading to various symptoms.

Dr Puneet Girdhar, with 25 years of experience, is a leading spine specialist in India known for his expertise in treating complex spinal conditions, including cervical spondylosis. He is renowned for achieving a high success rate in managing these disorders, owing to his use of advanced surgical techniques. Dr. Girdhar is dedicated to ensuring the best possible outcomes for his patients.

What Causes Cervical Spondylosis?

The primary cause of cervical spondylosis is the natural ageing process. As people age, the discs and joints in the cervical spine undergo degenerative changes. Other factors contributing to the development of cervical spondylosis include:

  1. Genetics: A family history of spinal disorders can predispose individuals to cervical spondylosis.
  2. Lifestyle Factors: Repetitive stress or trauma to the neck, poor posture, and lack of physical activity can contribute to the development of this condition.
  3. Occupation: Jobs that involve heavy lifting, frequent bending, or extended periods of sitting can exacerbate cervical spine degeneration.

What Are the Symptoms of Cervical Spondylosis?

The cervical spondylosis symptoms vary depending on the severity of the condition and which structures in the cervical spine are affected. Common symptoms include:

  1. Neck Pain: This is often the most prominent symptom, ranging from mild discomfort to severe pain.
  2. Stiffness: Reduced neck mobility and stiffness are common as the condition progresses.
  3. Radiating Pain: Pain may radiate to the shoulders, arms, and upper back due to nerve compression.
  4. Numbness and Tingling: Compression of spinal nerves can lead to sensations of numbness or tingling in the arms and hands.
  5. Weakness: In severe cases, muscle weakness in the arms or legs may occur due to nerve involvement.

Dr. Girdhar adds, “The symptoms of cervical spondylosis can be quite varied and may range from mild to severe. It’s important to seek medical evaluation if you experience persistent symptoms.”

How is Cervical Spondylosis Diagnosed?

Diagnosis of cervical spondylosis involves a combination of medical history, physical examination, and imaging studies. Physicians may use the following methods:

  1. Medical History and Physical Exam: This includes a thorough evaluation of symptoms, physical examination, and assessment of neck mobility and strength.
  2. Imaging Tests: X-rays, MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), or CT scans can help visualise the extent of degeneration, bone spurs, and nerve compression.

What Are the Treatment Options for Cervical Spondylosis?

Treatment for cervical spondylosis aims to relieve symptoms, improve function, and prevent further degeneration. Options include:

  1. Medications: Pain relievers such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and muscle relaxants can help manage pain and inflammation.
  2. Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises and stretches can improve neck strength, flexibility, and posture. Physical therapy often plays a crucial role in managing symptoms and preventing future issues.
  3. Lifestyle Modifications: Adopting ergonomic practices, improving posture, and incorporating regular exercise into daily routines can alleviate symptoms and slow progression.
  4. Cervical Collars: Short-term use of a cervical collar may provide support and reduce neck movement, aiding in pain relief.
  5. Injections: Corticosteroid injections can reduce inflammation and relieve nerve compression symptoms for temporary relief.
  6. Surgery: In cases where conservative treatments fail, and neurological symptoms persist, surgical options such as decompression and spinal fusion may be considered.

How to Cure Cervical Spondylosis Permanently?

The question of how to cure cervical spondylosis permanently is complex. While the condition is typically progressive and cannot be entirely cured, effective management can significantly improve quality of life and control symptoms. 

Dr. Girdhar suggests, “Adhering to a comprehensive treatment plan that includes medication, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications can help manage symptoms effectively. If necessary, surgical intervention may also be considered.”

One of our happy patients shared, “For years, I struggled with severe neck pain and stiffness. After consulting with Dr. Puneet Girdhar and following a personalised treatment plan that included physical therapy and lifestyle changes, my symptoms have significantly improved. I can now enjoy my daily activities without discomfort.”

Another satisfied patient shared, “I experienced debilitating neck pain and radiating discomfort in my arms. Dr. Puneet Girdhar recommended a combination of medication and targeted exercises. Following this treatment plan, my pain has greatly reduced, and I feel much more capable in my daily life.”

What is the Cost of Cervical Spondylosis Treatment in India?

The table below shows the average cost of cervical spondylosis treatment in India

Treatment Type Approximate Cost in INR Approximate Cost in USD
Consultation Fees 500 – 2,000 6 – 24
Medication 1,000 – 5,000 12 – 60
Physical Therapy 5,000 – 15,000 60 – 180
Diagnostic Tests 2,000 – 10,000 24 – 120
Injection Therapy (e.g., Steroid Injections) 3,000 – 15,000 36 – 180
Surgical Intervention (if needed) 60,000 – 2,00,000 720 – 2,400

However, the treatment costs may vary based on these factors, which can significantly affect the overall expenditure:

  • Severity of the Condition
  • Type of Treatment:
    • Non-surgical treatments (like medications and physical therapy) are generally less expensive
    • Surgical treatments (like ACDF or cervical disc replacement) are costlier
  • Hospital and Location
  • Doctor’s Expertise
  • Length of Hospital Stay


Understanding the causes, recognising the symptoms, and exploring the treatment options for cervical spondylosis can empower individuals to take charge of their spinal health and seek appropriate care. By staying informed and proactive, individuals can manage cervical spondylosis effectively and enhance their quality of life through timely and proper medical intervention.


1. Can cervical spondylosis cause headaches? 

Yes, cervical spondylosis can lead to tension headaches due to neck stiffness and muscle strain, which can affect the base of the skull and lead to discomfort.

2. Is cervical spondylosis hereditary? 

Genetics can play a role; individuals with a family history of spinal disorders may have an increased risk of developing cervical spondylosis due to inherited predispositions.

3. How can I prevent cervical spondylosis? 

Maintaining good posture, engaging in regular physical activity, and using ergonomic furniture can help prevent cervical spondylosis by reducing strain on the neck and spine.

4. Are there any home remedies for cervical spondylosis? 

Home remedies such as applying heat or cold packs, performing gentle neck exercises, and using supportive pillows may provide relief from cervical spondylosis symptoms and enhance comfort.

5. How does cervical spondylosis affect daily life? 

Cervical spondylosis can impact daily life by causing neck pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility, which may interfere with routine activities. 

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