Are There Any Age Restrictions for METRx Decompression?

February 27, 2024 by Medical Content Team0

Spinal surgery, including procedures like METRx decompression, is a widely practiced treatment for various spinal conditions worldwide. As the prevalence of spinal disorders continues to rise, there has been a corresponding increase in the number of surgeries performed each year. 

This trend is particularly evident in Asia, where countries like India and China are witnessing a surge in spinal surgeries. This increase can be attributed to the growing prevalence of spinal disorders in these regions, coupled with the availability of advanced surgical techniques.

One of the key factors driving the popularity of METRx decompression is its safety and effectiveness in treating spinal disc issues across different age groups. However, despite its benefits, questions may arise regarding the suitability of METRx decompression for patients of varying ages. 

In this blog, we will explore whether there are any age restrictions for METRx decompression and delve into the factors that determine the procedure’s suitability for different age groups.

What is METRx Discectomy/Decompression?

METRx discectomy/decompression is a minimally invasive surgical procedure using the METRx (Minimal Exposure Tubular Retractor) system to treat spine problems. The procedure involves using microscopic or endoscopic techniques to access and remove a herniated disc in the spine to relieve pressure on the compressed nerves.

Dr. Puneet Girdhar, an expert in spine surgery, specializes in the METRx discectomy/decompression procedure. With a focus on minimally invasive techniques, he has successfully treated numerous patients suffering from spinal disc issues such as herniated discs and spinal stenosis. His expertise and commitment to patient care make him a trusted choice for those seeking treatment for spinal conditions.

How Does METRx Discectomy Differ from Traditional Open Surgery?

The difference between METRx Discectomy and Traditional Open Surgery is as follows:

Aspect Traditional Open Surgery Discectomy/Decompression with METRx System
Incision Size Long Small
Visualization Surgeon relies on direct vision after retracting muscles Fluoroscopic imaging guidance is used for visualization
Surgical Approach Muscles are pulled to each side for access A portal or tunnel is created through separated muscles for surgical access
Invasiveness More invasive, involving significant muscle disruption Minimally invasive, with less muscle trauma
Recovery Time Longer recovery due to muscle trauma Shorter recovery time due to less muscle trauma
Risk of Complications Higher risk due to the invasiveness of the procedure Lower risk due to the minimally invasive nature
Surgical Precision This may be limited by the need to retract muscles Enhanced precision due to improved visualization and specialized tools


What Role Does Age Play in Spinal Health?

Age plays a significant role in spinal health, as the spine undergoes degenerative changes with age, such as disc degeneration and bone spurs, increasing the risk of conditions like spinal stenosis or herniated discs. These changes can impact mobility and quality of life. 

Dr. Girdhar emphasizes the importance of lifestyle factors like diet and exercise, which become increasingly crucial for spinal health as we age. A balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D supports bone strength, reducing fracture risk, while regular, low-impact exercise maintains flexibility and muscle tone, supporting spinal alignment. 

“Older adults should focus on exercises that improve posture and core strength, avoiding high-impact activities to prevent injuries and maintain spinal health,” says Dr. Girdhar.

Are There Specific Age Restrictions for METRx Decompression?

No, there is no fixed age restriction for spinal surgery. As both elderly and young persons can suffer from spinal problems, age is not the most important criterion in determining whether or not spinal surgery is recommended.

However, age may influence your surgeon’s ultimate judgment about whether you are a good candidate for surgery. Other elements that affect this choice include: 

  • Overall Health: The patient’s health is crucial in determining their ability to undergo surgery. Age-related conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, or hypertension can impact the surgical risk.
  • Spinal Condition: The specific spinal condition and its severity play a significant role in deciding the appropriate treatment. METRx decompression is typically recommended for conditions where minimally invasive surgery is suitable.
  • Mobility and Function: The patient’s mobility and function are essential considerations. METRx decompression aims to alleviate pain and improve function, making it beneficial for individuals who experience limitations due to their spinal condition.
  • Response to Conservative Treatments: Before considering surgery, patients are often recommended to try conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medications, or injections. The response to these treatments can influence the decision for surgery.

However, Dr. Girdhar explains, “Age can influence the success rate of METRx decompression to a certain extent. Younger patients often have better tissue healing and may experience faster recovery and better outcomes. However, older patients can still benefit from METRx decompression, especially if they have good overall health. Factors such as bone density and the extent of spinal degeneration also play a role in determining the procedure’s success rate across different age groups.”

What Are The Benefits Of This Procedure?

METRx decompression offers several benefits for patients across different age groups:

  • Minimally Invasive: METRx decompression is a minimally invasive procedure, resulting in smaller incisions, less tissue damage, and faster recovery than traditional open surgery.
  • Reduced Risk: The minimally invasive nature of this procedure decreases the risk of complications such as infection, excessive bleeding, and nerve damage.
  • Improved Mobility: By relieving pressure on the spinal nerves, this procedure can improve mobility and reduce pain, enhancing the quality of life for patients.
  • Customized Treatment: METRx decompression can be tailored to suit each patient’s needs, ensuring optimal outcomes.

One satisfied patient of Dr. Girdhar expressed, “I underwent METRx decompression with Dr. Puneet Girdhar and am extremely pleased with the results. My mobility has improved, and I can resume my daily activities without pain. Dr. Girdhar’s expertise and care were exceptional.”

Another patient who had suffered from back pain for years shared, “I decided to undergo METRx decompression with Dr. Puneet Girdhar. The procedure was minimally invasive, and my recovery was swift. I highly recommend Dr. Girdhar to anyone considering spine surgery.”

What Is The Cost Of Metrx Discectomy/Decompression In India?

METRx discectomy/decompression costs in India range from INR 1,50,000 to INR 4,00,000, depending on the hospital, surgeon, and situation. This is equivalent to around 4,000 to 13,500 in USD. The complexity of the treatment and extra medical services can all impact the total cost.


Age alone is not a definitive factor. That is., while age is a consideration in determining the suitability of METRx decompression, it is not a strict restriction. Factors such as overall health, spinal condition, mobility, and response to conservative treatments play a more significant role in determining candidacy for this procedure. METRx decompression is a valuable treatment option for spinal disc issues, offering benefits for patients of various ages around the world.


  1. Can METRx decompression be used for all types of spinal conditions?

METRx decompression is suitable for specific spinal conditions, depending on the patient’s case.

  1. How long does the effect of METRx decompression last?

The longevity of METRx decompression’s effects can vary depending on the patient’s condition and lifestyle factors.

  1. Are there any dietary restrictions after METRx decompression?

There are typically no specific dietary restrictions after METRx decompression, but following a healthy diet can aid in recovery.

  1. What is the success rate of METRx decompression?

The success rate of METRx decompression varies depending on the patient’s condition and adherence to post-operative care.

  1. Are there any specific exercises recommended after METRx decompression?

Specific post-operative exercises may be recommended to aid recovery, but these should be discussed with a healthcare professional.

Read More : Spinal Tb- How To Treat?

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