How To Avoid Spine Surgery?

January 25, 2024 by Medical Content Team0

The spine, a crucial part of the human body, plays a significant role in supporting posture and facilitating movement. However, many individuals find themselves facing the daunting prospect of spine surgery due to various issues. While surgical interventions are necessary in some instances, there are steps you can take to promote spine health and avoid the need for such procedures.

With a wealth of experience, Dr. Puneet Girdhar recommended physiotherapy techniques, chiropractic care, and personalized exercise in the early stages of addressing spinal issues. His patient-centric approach focuses on holistic well-being, offering personalized solutions for those who want non-surgical treatments for their spine problems.

What Is Spinal Surgery?

Spine surgery refers to procedures performed on the spine or spinal cord to address various conditions, injuries, or abnormalities affecting the spine. Spine surgery can range from minimally invasive procedures, where smaller incisions are made, to more extensive surgeries requiring larger incisions and possibly the fusion of vertebrae. It aims to alleviate pain, correct deformities, stabilize the spine or relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves. 

Spine surgery may be necessary for a range of reasons, including:

  • Herniated Discs: When the soft cushion-like discs between the vertebrae rupture or bulge, putting pressure on the spinal nerves.
  • Spinal Stenosis: A condition where the spinal canal narrows, compressing the spinal cord and nerves.
  • Degenerative Disc Disease: Wear and tear on the discs, leading to pain, instability, and decreased flexibility.
  • Spinal Fractures: Breaks or cracks in the vertebrae, often resulting from trauma or osteoporosis.
  • Scoliosis: Abnormal curvature of the spine, which may require surgery in severe cases.
  • Tumors: Surgical removal of tumors affecting the spine or spinal cord.

While spine surgery can be effective in treating specific conditions, it is generally considered a last resort after conservative treatments such as physical therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes have been explored. Not all surgeries are avoidable, but adopting preventive measures can significantly reduce the likelihood of ending up on the operating table.

What Are The Risks Associated With Spine Surgery?

Spine surgery carries inherent risks that individuals should consider. These include:

  • Infection: Possibility of postoperative infections despite precautions.
  • Nerve Damage: Risk of injuring nearby nerves during surgery.
  • Bleeding: Potential for excessive bleeding during or after the procedure.
  • Blood Clots: Formation of clots, posing a risk of complications.
  • Anesthesia Risks: Reactions to anesthesia can occur.
  • Failed Surgery: In some cases, the surgery may not provide the expected relief or lead to further complications.

What Measures Can Be Taken To Avoid Spine Surgery?

a) Embrace a Healthy Lifestyle

Leading a healthy lifestyle can be a powerful weapon against spine issues. Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding tobacco products can improve spine health. A study published in the European Spine Journal found that individuals with a body mass index (BMI) above 25 were more likely to experience lower back pain. Shedding excess weight can alleviate stress on the spine and reduce the risk of developing debilitating conditions.

b) Stay Active with Proper Posture

Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine is essential for spine health. Engage in exercises that strengthen your core muscles, crucial in supporting the spine. Additionally, practicing good posture while sitting, standing, and lifting heavy objects can prevent unnecessary strain on your spine. According to a Journal of Physical Therapy Science study, poor posture can contribute to spinal misalignments and increase the risk of developing chronic back pain.

c) Physical Therapy

Physical therapy is similar to exercise in that it promotes muscle development, but physical therapy specifically targets the problem area(s) of your back. Physical therapy is great for conditions like bulging discs or sciatica pain because it relieves compression or pressure in the area. Talk to your doctor about specific physical therapy exercises you should begin for your condition. Make time to perform some low-impact physical therapy exercises each day.

d) Listen to Your Body

Paying attention to your body’s signals prevents spine issues from escalating. If you experience persistent back pain, consult with a healthcare professional promptly. Ignoring the symptoms and pushing through the pain can exacerbate underlying issues, potentially leading to the need for surgical intervention. Early intervention, on the other hand, may allow for less invasive treatment options.

Dr. Puneet emphasizes, “Non-surgical spinal treatments offer a path to relief without the challenges of surgery. Through techniques like physiotherapy and exercises, issues can be managed with minimal complications or risks. It’s about holistic well-being—tailored solutions for your spine.”

A satisfied patient expressed, “Dr. Puneet’s non-surgical approach truly changed my life. His personalized exercises and physiotherapy helped me overcome debilitating back pain. I’m grateful for the holistic care that prioritized my well-being over surgery.”

Another patient states, “After years of struggling with spine issues, Dr. Puneet’s non-surgical treatments made a significant difference. The exercises and chiropractic care provided the relief I never thought possible. His patient-centric approach truly stands out.” 

What Is The Cost Of Non-Surgical Spinal Therapy In India?

The cost of non-surgical treatments for spine issues in India can vary widely. Generally, physiotherapy sessions may range from INR 500 to 2,000 per session (approximately $7 to $28). Other treatments like chiropractic care or acupuncture may cost INR 1,000 to 5,000 per session ($14 to $70). The variation depends on factors like the city, the healthcare facility, and the provider’s specific treatment approach or technique.


In navigating the path to a healthy spine, proactive measures play a pivotal role in avoiding the necessity for spine surgery. One can significantly reduce the risk of developing spine-related issues by embracing a healthy lifestyle, maintaining proper posture, engaging in regular physical activity, and listening to your body. 

While spine surgery is a valuable option in some instances, preventive strategies empower individuals to prioritize spine health. These measures have the potential to sidestep the challenges associated with surgical interventions. Remember, a mindful approach to spinal well-being can lead to a life without surgery concerns.


1. Can genetics play a role in the need for spine surgery?

While genetics may influence susceptibility to certain spine conditions, lifestyle factors, and preventive measures still play a crucial role.

2. Is age a determining factor in the likelihood of needing spine surgery?

Age can contribute to spine issues, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventive measures are essential at any age.

3. Are there specific exercises to avoid if I want to prevent spine surgery?

High-impact exercises and poor lifting techniques can strain the spine; focus on low-impact activities and proper form to reduce risks.

4. Can alternative therapies like chiropractic care help in avoiding spine surgery?

Some individuals find relief through alternative therapies, but consulting healthcare professionals for personalized advice is essential.

5. Is spine surgery always the last resort, or are there exceptions?

While it’s generally considered a last resort, there are situations where surgery may be the most appropriate and effective treatment option.

Read More : How To Make Spine Surgery Safe?

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